
Note: any events tagged with 'training' are automatically added to the Training Events list

IASA Preservation Training Programme: Archivists workshop

28 Jun 2021 to 30 Jun 2021
Barcelona, Spain

The first edition of the Preservation Training Programme of the Training and Education Committee (T&E) of IASA has been awarded to the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Jointly developed between the library and T&E, the programme of workshops for June-July 2021 can be found here.

IASA Preservation Training Programme: Managers workshop

16 Jun 2021 to 18 Jun 2021
Barcelona, Spain

The first edition of the Preservation Training Programme of the Training and Education Committee (T&E) of IASA has been awarded to the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Jointly developed between the library and T&E, the programme of workshops for June-July 2021 can be found here.

Preservation Training Programme 2021 in Barcelona

The first edition of the Preservation Training Programme of the Training and Education Committee (T&E) of IASA has been awarded to the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.

New, free online resources and training on caring for audio materials

New, free online resources and training on caring for audio materials, aimed at non-specialist collection holders.

Sound recording technology has been with us for well over a century, and it’s extremely common to find small quantities of tapes, discs and other formats in gallery, library, archive and museum collections around the UK and beyond, often held as part of larger, more traditional collections.


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