UNESCO's "Memory of the World" review

Dear Colleagues,

I trust all is well with the IASA and that the plans for your annual meeting in Washington are proceeding smoothly.

As you know, UNESCO has launched a comprehensive consultation about the Memory of the World Programme. May I ask you to make this known to all IASA members and especially to the heads of the archives programmes, and invite all to participate either through formal submissions or through discussion online?

The Memory of the World Programme will mark its 25th anniversary in 2017. Over this quarter century our memory institutions have responded to rapid developments in the technology for creating, preserving and accessing our documentary heritage coupled with public expectations for quick access in technology enabled, highly mobile societies. There are an increasing number of examples worldwide of how digitization has transformed rare books, fragile manuscripts and AV recordings from the least accessible heritage resource to the most accessible. This advances public awareness and access while helping the preservation of unique documents.

At its meeting in Abu Dhabi in October, 2015, the Memory of the World International Advisory Committee (IAC) began a comprehensive review of the Programme, seeking to build on the programme’s accomplishments and explore its full potential. This Review is intended to be wide ranging, open and transparent. This review was welcomed by the UNESCO Executive Board at its meeting in April 2016 (199 EX/29).

Full details regarding the review and how to participate are provided at:

ENGLISH: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/memory-of-the-world/memory-of-the-world-programme-review/
FRENCH: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/communication-and-information/memory-of-the-world/memory-of-the-world-programme-review/

Please encourage your members--individuals, associations, or institutions--to participate.

With best wishes,

Abdulla M. El Reyes, Ph.D.
Chairman, UNESCO Memory of the World Program