9.1.7 Hierarchy of transfer to digital  Paragraph 16 of IASA-TC 03 “The Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy”, describes that, except for lacquer discs, which may fail at any moment without pre- warning, the sequence of transfer within a specific collection is a multi-faceted decision based on the requirement for access to documents, their physical condition and, with ever increasing importance, the availability of equipment, spare parts and professional service support. The project “Sound Directions” has developed “FACET”1 , a tool to asses the respective parameters of a collection to assist in making a decision on a fairly objective and traceable basis. It must be noted, however, that obsolescence of formats and related problems like withdrawal of professional service support, e.g. for R-DAT machines, change rapidly, which calls for constant monitoring of the situation and re-assessment in regular intervals.

1. FACET was developed within project Sound Directions by the Archive of Traditional Music, Indiana University Bloomington, USA. http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/projects/sounddirections/facet/