
IASA's landmark TC 04 now published in Catalan

Message forwarded from Margarida Ullate i Estanyol (Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)

La Biblioteca de Catalunya ha fet traduir al català les "Directrius per a la producció i preservació d’objectes d’àudio digital" de la IASA, una obra considerada imprescindible per als professionals de la preservació i digitalització de documents sonors.

Hack4Europe! 2012

[forwarded on behalf of Marcin Werla]
Dear colleagues,

I hope you will find this message interesting. In May this year together with Europeana Foundation, Polish National Audiovisual Institute and IT University of Copenhagen we are organizing a series of hackathons under a common name Hack4Europe! 2012.

Hack4Europe 2012 Copenhagen is being coordinated by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center in cooperation with IT University of Copenhagen. The event will take place on 10 and 11 May 2012 at IT University in Copenhagen.

IASA-TC 04 Second edition - now in Spanish

The Second edition of IASA's landmark publication "TC 04"*, prepared by the IASA Technical Committee, is now available in hard copy translated into Spanish by Enric Giné and Marcos Sueiro and published by the Spanish Association for Music Documentation (AEDOM) :

IASA-TC 03: now in Chinese

IASA's highly acclaimed publication "TC 03"*, prepared by the IASA Technical Committee and available in seven languages, is now also published in Chinese for free download from:

The translations was made by IASA Member Chun zen Huang, assisted by Bixuan Huan, in cooperation with Jiongde He. The editorial work was done by Dietrich Schüller in cooperation with Li Huang.


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