moving images

A primer on audiovisual compression

11 Oct 2012
New Delhi, India

Workshop: How do they do that: A primer on audiovisual compression

George Blood

Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage: EUscreen's 2nd status report

EUscreen is pleased to announce its second status report Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage. In three chapters, the report gives an overview of technological developments bearing an influence on publishing and making accessible historical footage. The report discusses online heritage practices within Europe and beyond.

Archiving the Arts

28 Apr 2012
New York City, USA

The Association of Moving Image Archivists Student Chapter at New York University and Independent Media Arts Preservation invite submissions for…

Archiving the Arts: addressing preservation in the creative process.

EBulletin #10 Now Available

EBulletin #10 is now available on the Publications page. Remember that you need to log into the IASA site using your member username and password in order to access the Ebulletin.


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