6.0.1. Definition
A series is a group of separate items related to one another by collective features (marks). The items may be intended for use in the sequence they are produced or not, and may be numbered or unnumbered, in production , broadcasting or other forms of publication. Such a group of item s may be a finite series (complete) or an open-ended series (ongoing and therefore incomplete).
The series statement is used to identify and index items belonging to the same series . It may also be applied to serials incorporating broadcast programs and timeslots (the content of timeslots being related because it is broadcast in the regular timeslot) (see also 1.B.7.2 and 1.B.9.3.1-1.B.9.3.2).
This area is used when all parts of the item are published or broadcast (or are intended to be published or broadcast) in the same series or subseries. In other cases, e.g. where a publisher's series varies from the commonly used series title, the series or subseries statement(s) may be given in a note (see 7.B.19).
When an item belongs to more than one series and/or subseries, the area is repeated. The order of the statements is determined by the order of preference of the sources for the area; in the case of these being of equal value, the order follows the sequence of information found in the chosen source.
Archival series is a different type of series from that defined above. For full guidance on this type of series see the ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description, and Rules for Archival Description.
Note, however, that where material in a named or identified collection is catalogued at the level of the individual item , it is the practice for some audiovisual archives and libraries to record the collection title (and series in collection, if applicable) in this area of the cataloguing record (see 6.J).
6.A.1. Punctuation
Based on ISBD (NBM) Area 6, Punctuation pattern
Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space (. - ).
Enclose each series statement (see 6.I) in parentheses (()).
Precede each parallel title in a series or sub series by a space, equals sign, space ( = ).
Precede other title information in a series or subseries by a space, colon, space ( : ).
Precede the first statement of responsibility in a series or subseries by a space, slash, space ( / ).
Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility in a series or subseries by a space, semicolon, space ( ; ) unless the statements are considered to form a single phrase.
Precede the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN ) of the series or a sub series by a comma, space (, ).
Precede the numbering within a series or sub series by a space, semicolon, space ( ; ).
Precede the title of a subseries by a full stop, space (. ).
Precede the Dependent title following a section or subseries designation (see 6.H.2) by a comma, space (, ).
Expanded from AACR2 1.0A1, 1.0A2, 1.1A2 Take information recorded in this area from:
If the information is taken from a secondary source, cite the source in a note, if appropriate (see 7.B.3). Based on FIAF 0.3.8, 0.4 Enclose information in square brackets within the parentheses enclosing each series statement only when it is not available from any of the above sources of information, and where it is supplied by the archive or cataloguing agency on the basis that the information is known, or is at least probable. Where this information is uncertain, give a question mark after it.
6.B.1. AACR2 1.6B1
If an item is issued or broadcast in a series , transcribe the title proper of the series as instructed in 1.B.
Area 1: Nils Karlsson Pyssling
(Astrid Lindgren läser själv)
Area 1: Three tenors
(Great voices of the century)
Area 1: Friede auf Erden, op. 13
(Europäische Chormusik aus fünf Jahrhunderten)
Area 1: Die Streichholzschachtel, oder, Ursprünge philosophischen Denkens
(10 Minuten Denken, oder, Philosophie im Alltag)
Area 1: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester, F-Dur, KV 459 (Konzertsaison 1995/96)
Area 1: Introduktion till Windows 95
(Datautbildning på video)
6.B.2. Based on AACR2 1.6B2
If different forms of the title of the series (other than parallel titles) appear, choose the form which predominates or appears to be most consistently used in the sources of information, or the form cited in a scholarly reference work, if there is one available.
6.C.1.AACR2 1.6C1
Follow the instructions in 1.D when transcribing the parallel titles of a series
Area 1: Beredskapsswing
(Svensk jazzhistoria = Swedish jazz)
Area 1: Nuntii latini. 1993-08-09
(Nuntii latini = Latinankieliset uutiset = News in Latin)
Area 1: Le bulletin d'info en français. 1988-05-28
(Le bulletin d'info en français = Nachrichten in französischer Sprache)
Area 1: Nordamerika
(I djurens vilda värld = Really wild animals)
See also: 6.H.3
6.D.1.AACR2 1.6D1
Give other title information of a series only if it provides valuable information identifying the series. Follow the instructions in 1.E when transcribing other title information of a series.
Area 1: Den medeltida balladen
(Musica Sveciae : folk music in Sweden)
Area 1: Philippe Monte
(Reflexe : Stationen europäischer Musik)
Area 1: Velfærdsspioner
(Den nye bølge : om radioteatret i 1960'erne)
Area 1: Isthmus Crypticus
(Æon Flux : animeret cyber-serie fra det 3. millennium)
See also: 6.H.3
6.E.1.AACR2 1.6E1
Transcribe statements of responsibility appearing in conjunction with the series title only if they are considered to be necessary for identification of the series. Follow the instructions in 1.F when transcribing a statement of responsibility relating to a series.
Area 1: Marriage of Figaro
(Historical records / Jack L. Caidin)
Area 1: Thou art so like a flower
(The Columbia history of music by ear and eye / by Percy Scholes)
Area 1: Josef Strauss
(Die goldene Zeit der Wiener Musik = The Golden Age of Viennese Music / Leitung Robert Stolz)
Area 1: Bryggeren : 1864-1867
(Bryggeren : dansk tv-serie / af Kaspar Rostrup)
6.G.1. Extracted from AACR2 1.6G1
Give the numbering of the item within the series in the terms given in the sources of information.
Area 1: Greatest hits of 1963
(20 years of pop music ; no. 8)
Area 1: Kalaallit Nunaat
(Greenland calling ; vol. 1)
Area 1: Beredskapsswing
(Svensk jazzhistoria = Swedish jazz ; vol. 4)
Area 1: Den medeltida balladen
(Musica Sveciae : folk music in Sweden ; no. 1-2)
Area 1: Livsmod
(Radiodokumentar ; 2:2)
Area 1: Dad and Dave from Snake Gully. Episodes 51-52
(Dad and Dave from Snake Gully ; episodes 51-52)
(Consecutive episodes on each side of a radio disc)
Area 1: ABC News. 1983-10-31. Midday
(ABC News ; 1983-10-31. Midday)
Area 1: Hvem har du med i dag?
(Hej Lasse : fjernsyn for dig ; 9:14)
Area 1: Saps at sea
(The Hal Roach library ; 28)
Area 1: Filosofi
(Calis applikation ; 4)
6.G.2.Developed from AACR2 1.6G2
If the parts of a multipart item are separately numbered within a series , give the first and last numbers separated by a hyphen if the numbering is continuous. Otherwise, give all the numbers, separated by a comma and a space.
Area 1: Elverhøj
(Dansk dramatisk diskotek ; 3-6)
Area 1: Fransk
(Norstedt-Richter's sprogplader ; 2, 3, 5, 6)
6.G.3.AACR2 1.6G3
If the item has a designation other than a number, give the designation as found.
Area 1: Vesterbro - et gennembrud
(Aalborg-bogen ; 1983/84)
Area 1: Dancing in the street. Episode 3
(Dancing in the street ; episode 3)
Area 1: Skippy. Episode 5 : Mayday
(Skippy ; episode 5)
Area 1: Beaumanoir. Episode 26 : Règlement de comptes
(Beaumanoir ; episode 26)
Area 1: Matin Bonheur. 1992-10-12 : [Benjamin Asger]
(Matin Bonheur ; 1992-10-12) (broadcast magazine episode entirely on the topic of Benjamin Asger)
See also: 1.B.9.3.1, 6.A.1 A subseries is a series within a series (i.e. a series that always appears in conjunction with another, usually more comprehensive, series of which it forms a section). Its title may or may not be dependent on the title of the main series.
6.H.1.Expanded from AACR2 1.6H1
If an item is one of a subseries and both the series and the subseries are named in the sources of information, give the details of the main series (see 6.A-6.G) first and follow them with the name of the subseries and the details of that subseries . Precede the subseries with a full stop and a space.
Area 1: Ungarske folkesange
(Béla Bartók complete edition. Vocal music)
Area 1: Der Gefangene ; Heimatlos ...
(Europäische Chormusik aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Ungarische Chormusik)
Area 1: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester, D-dur, KV 537, "Krönungskonzert"
(Konzertsaison 1995/96. Sonderkonzert ; 2)
(Here the title of the main series is Konzertsaison 1995/96)
Area 1: Die Zeitung
(Der Kurztext in der Morgenmusik. Human touch)
Area 1: The air adventures of Biggles. Episodes 821-822. Desert broom. Episodes 38-39
(The air adventures of Biggles ; episodes 821-822. Desert broom ; episodes 38-39)
(Radio transcription disc with two consecutive episodes of a subseries within a series )
See also: 6.A.1 If the subseries has an alphabetic or numeric designation and no title, give the designation.
Area 1: Music for amplified toy pianos
(Works for piano, toy piano & prepared piano. 1944-1960 ; vol. 3)
If such a subseries has a title as well as a designation, give the title after the designation, and precede the title by a comma and a space.
(Viewmaster science series. 4, Physics)
Give parallel titles, other title information, and statements of responsibility relating to subseries as instructed in 6.C, 6.D, and 6.E.
See also: 6.F Give the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN ) of a subseries if there is such a number. In that case, omit the ISSN of the main series. Precede the ISSN with a comma, space.
(Janua linguarum. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114)
(Janua linguarum, ISSN 0446-4796. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114)
6.H.5. AACR2 1.6H5
Give the numbering within a subseries as instructed in 6.G.
Area 1: Naga-uta "Urashima"
(Music of the Orient. Japan ; 1-2)
Area 1:Sonater for orgel
(Musica prae classica. Das Orgelwerk ; Folge 5)
Area 1:Josef Strauss
(Die goldene Zeit der Wiener Musik ; III. Die grosse Zeit des Wiener Walzers ; 2)
Area 1: Die Zeitung
(Der Kurztext in der Morgenmusik. Human touch II / Uwe Koschel ; written by Andreas Reikowski ; 5)
The information relating to one series , or series and subseries, constitutes one series statement . If an item simultaneously belongs to two or more series and/or two or more series and subseries , give separate series statements and enclose each statement in parentheses. Follow the instructions in 6.A-6.H in recording each series statement
Area 1: Interview med Klaus Lynggaard
(Forfatterportrætter - mennesket bag teksten ; 1) (AV-forfatterportrætter)
Area 1: Nordamerika
(I djurens vilda värld = Really wild animals) (National Geographic - children's video)
Extracted from FIAF 6.9
If parts of an item belong to different series and this relationship cannot be stated clearly in this area, give details of the series in a note (see 7.B.19).
Where a broadcast programme has been transmitted as part of a different series at different times, create a separate catalogue record for each transmission, record the series statement for that transmission, and include a note about the other known transmission(s) (see 7.B.9).
See also: 6.0.2, 9.0.A.3 This area may also include a collection statement, or collection and series in collection statement, in a bibliographic record for items which have been created or collected as a special collection or as a series within a collection. This information may be applicable where unpublished or broadcast items belong to a formed collection or require the application of a collection name. Instances may be where a collection of items is acquired through the results of a field expedition by a researcher, or of an oral history project by a person or institution, or where a broadcast archive, or part thereof, is acquired by a larger audiovisual archive.
(Mike Yates Archive)
(India Office Library and Records interviews. Memories of the British in India)
This technique for collocating items in named or identified collections and series in collection(s) in this area, is a variant method from that usually employed by archives using multilevel, archival fonds or collection level description. For further information about multilevel description , see 9.2, and for full guidance on archival fonds and collection level description refer to the ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description, and Rules for Archival Description.