6.J. Optional rule. Collection and series in collection statement
See also: 6.0.2, 9.0.A.3 This area may also include a collection statement, or collection and series in collection statement, in a bibliographic record for items which have been created or collected as a special collection or as a series within a collection. This information may be applicable where unpublished or broadcast items belong to a formed collection or require the application of a collection name. Instances may be where a collection of items is acquired through the results of a field expedition by a researcher, or of an oral history project by a person or institution, or where a broadcast archive, or part thereof, is acquired by a larger audiovisual archive.
(Mike Yates Archive)
(India Office Library and Records interviews. Memories of the British in India)
This technique for collocating items in named or identified collections and series in collection(s) in this area, is a variant method from that usually employed by archives using multilevel, archival fonds or collection level description. For further information about multilevel description , see 9.2, and for full guidance on archival fonds and collection level description refer to the ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description, and Rules for Archival Description.