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IASA supports the exchange of information and fosters international co-operation between audiovisual archives and others interested in the field, especially in the areas of:

  • Acquisition and exchange
  • Documentation and metadata
  • Resource discovery and access
  • Copyright and ethics
  • Preservation and conservation
  • Research, dissemination, and publication
  • Digitisation of media content

IASA is a founding member of the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), an international alliance that seeks to represent the interests of the profession to governments and international agencies.

IASA maintains operational relations with UNESCO.

A yearly conference gives members the opportunity to meet and discuss current and ongoing issues in the sound and moving image field. During the conference the Executive Board presents its reports and informs the membership about the Association’s activities of the previous year. The venue changes from year to year and may be in any part of the world where IASA has members. An overall theme is usually chosen for each conference. The main features of the conference are:

  • General assembly of the members
  • Papers from specialists, both members and non-members, related to the theme of the conference
  • Meetings of the committees, sections and task forces
  • Presentations, workshops, training tutorials and round tables
  • Exhibits and demonstrations by manufacturers and vendors
  • Visits to the archives of the host country
  • Opportunities for professional networking


Information and Communication

The IASA Journal is published twice a year with special contributions, reports and reviews.

News of interest to the Association is published on the IASA website.

IASA also operates mailing lists to facilitate the exchange of information.

Special publications can be ordered directly from IASA. Reports, guidelines and policy statements on issues such as legal deposit, national discography, and copyright are available on the IASA website.

IASA ”Task Forces” report on specific topics of interest to the membership such as selection criteria and endangered carriers. These and other reports will be made available on the IASA web site as they are completed.

Further information is available from the:

Secretary-General: Elisabeth Steinhäuser
Multimediales Archiv / Audioarchiv,
Österreichischer Rundfunk Orf/ Austrian Broadcasting Corporation,
1040 Wien,
Argentinierstraße 30a
T: +43 1 50101-18428