Membership categories and benefits

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There are five categories of IASA membership:

  1. Institutional: for institutions, organisations, corporations, business enterprises or associations holding sound and/or audiovisual collections or dedicated to the purposes of IASA.
  2. Individual: for persons involved in the work of archives and other institutions, organisations, corporations, business enterprises which hold, manage or preserve sound or audiovisual documents and are dedicated to the purposes of IASA; including persons retired from professional engagement. A reduced fee is available for Students upon provision of a current student ID as proof of status.
  3. Honorary: may be awarded by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Board as a token of meritorious service in the work of sound and audiovisual archives.
  4. Sustaining: for institutions, organisations, corporations, business enterprises, associations or individuals contributing an additional amount to their annual dues.
  5. SponsoringIndividuals or institutions may become Sponsoring Members by assuming responsibility for the payment of two or more memberships.
    Note: Individuals or institutions supported by a sponsoring member shall have the same benefits as the membership category for which they are sponsored.

In addition, there is a Supporting Category that is associated with IASA but does not have membership rights except as specified in the By-Laws:

  • Supporters: for institutions, organisations, corporations, business enterprises, associations or individuals interested in the work of IASA.

The benefits accorded to each category are tabulated below:

  Members Supporters
Benefit Institutional






IASA journal ok ok ok ok  
raise the profile of sound & AV heritage through links with international and national bodies ok ok ok ok  
set standards & share best practices for sound and AV ok ok ok ok  
receive regular IASA communications ok5 ok ok2 ok  
discounted conferences registration fees ok5 ok ok2 ok  
download free publications ok5 ok ok2    
discounts on selected IASA publications ok5 ok ok2    
exclusive member-only website pages ok5 ok ok2    
member-only website forum ok5 ok ok2    
contact other members worldwide via website ok5 ok ok2    
entitlement to apply for IASA Travel Awards ok5 ok ok2    
entitlement to apply for IASA Research Grants ok5 ok ok2    
permitted to hold office on Executive Board & serve on Committees, Sections & Task Forces ok5 ok ok2    
entitlement to vote on Association business* ok ok ok    
Sustaining members webpage     ok    

5 Institutional Members or Institutional Supporters may nominate up to five individuals at their organisation to receive these benefits.
2 Sustaining Members may nominate up to two individuals at their organisation to receive these benefits.
* two votes each permitted for Institutional Members and Sustaining Members.

For a full description of all categories and their rights, please consult the IASA constitution part 4:49 as well as the By-Laws to Part 4:39-47