9. Financial assistance for speakers
9.1 The programme organizers must approve all speakers but cannot approve IASA funding for a speaker without reference to the EB who will be offering financial support. The IASA EB or, both EBs, in the case of a co-hosted conference, must approve and agree to any funding decisions. If one association is unwilling or unable to offer funding, the other association may choose to pay the full cost.
9.2 Guidelines for invited speakers
9.2.1. For every annual conference held, up to three specialist speakers from outside of IASA may be selected by the IASA Executive Board to present papers on the main theme of a conference. It is the role of the Programme Committee or local organizers to request that the Executive Board funds these speakers.
9.2.2. Every speaker (who has been invited according to paragraph 1) may be granted on receipt of a copy of the travel documents the following sums to be paid on the day of the paper or, in case the necessary documents cannot be produced then, as soon as they have been presented to the IASA Treasurer after the paper:
- 100% of the ticket price of the cheapest airfare available (economy class); or
- 100% of the ticket price of the train fare 2nd class; and
- Any necessary additional costs for the transportation to and from the airports or the railway station by using bus, coach, or railway. The use of a taxi will be paid for max. 30 US$ (or the equivalent) for each necessary trip.
9.2.3. Accommodation for the speaker only (plus breakfast, if not included in the room rate) will be paid for one night in one of the official conference hotels. The hotel will be selected by the local organizing committee.
9.2.4. Invited speakers do not have to pay the conference fee for the day of their presentation. If they choose to participate at the conference also during other days, the appropriate conference fee for non-IASA delegates will be applicable (daily rate or full rate respectively). If they join IASA after being invited, the fee for IASA delegates will be applicable.