
UNESCO Webinar - How can archives, libraries and museums help combat the disinfodemic amid the COVID-19 pandemic? - 27 August at 4pm CET

You are cordially invited to attend a webinar on “How can archives, libraries and museums help combat the disinfodemic amid the COVID-19 pandemic?”, scheduled on 27 August at 4pm CET.


Magnetic Tape Alert Project - Final Report Published

Magnetic Tape Alert Project - Final Report Published

IASA Initiatives affected by COVID-19

Dear IASA Community,


IASA Executive Board Elections 2020

On behalf of the IASA Nominating Committee

Dear IASA colleagues,

Hope you are all staying safe and well during these difficult times.

 As you know, 2020 is an election year for the IASA Executive Board. As stated in the IASA constitution: “The Executive Board shall be elected by the members of the Association. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to stand for election.” - See more at:


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