sample attachment and video

Sample video

The Marr Sound Archive from j kerfeld on Vimeo.

see also attached sample image below

Image icon P1000889.jpg193.25 KB

Nice video! :) How do you protect the vinyls - do you let patrons handle them and listen to them on the turntable, or digitise the record first?

This was just a sample video that I, as website manager, posted as a test. I can't speak for the Marr sound archive, the subject of the video. My other job is at the British Library's sound archive. There, we don't let listeners handle vinyls because of the risk of damage. They listen to vinyls played to them by our staff. After three plays of the same disc, in order to reduce wear, we digitise the disc (@ 96kHz, 24-bit PCM bwf) and they thereafter listen to an mp3 derivative on a self-service in-house server system called SoundServer.

Thankyou! This is a very useful information. Will pass on to our Digital development department.