Task Force to establish Selection Criteria (printed edition)

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Task Force to establish Selection Criteria of Analogue and Digital Audio Contents for Transfer to Data Formats for Preservation Purpose  -

Task Force to Establish Selection Criteria

Majella Breen, Gila Flam, et al (Ed.)
International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives,
IASA Editorial Group,
Printed in Hungary, 2003, 20 pp

The Task Force on Selection for Digital Transfer was commissioned by the IASA Executive Board in February 2000 to examine the issues underlying the process of setting priorities for the digital transfer of analogue and digital audio content, and to deliver a statement of principles for use by sound archives in their planning for digitisation. The members of the Task Force were drawn from IASA’s Cataloguing and Documentation, Discography, and Technical Committees, and its National Archives and Radio Sound Archives Sections.

Task Force to Establish Selection Criteria is available: