
Call for Papers: 54th IASA CONFERENCE & 4th ICTM FORUM


Collaborating to preserve and safeguard audiovisual and related heritage

Istanbul, 11-15 September 2023

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) invite you to participate in a joint event to be held from 11-15 September, 2023 at the Istanbul University in Istanbul, Türkiye. 

The Inaugural Lars Gaustad Award

The IASA Executive Board is pleased to announce the inaugural Lars Gaustad Award. This award is given in recognition of Lars' 22 years as chair of the IASA Technical Committee (TC), during which time many of IASA’s most influential documents were crafted, significantly shaping the practice of audiovisual preservation worldwide. The award is generously sponsored by George Blood Audio/Video/Film/Data. 

2023 IASA Annual Conference and ICTM Forum 

2023 IASA Annual Conference and ICTM Forum 

2022 IASA Annual Conference Presentations

The recorded sessions and presentations from the 2022 IASA Annual Conference are now available via Aviary. You can find them here:


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