Richard Ranft's blog

BAAC conf. registration - early bird ends soon!

Dear colleagues,

I hope that many of you have fond memories of the joint IASA-BAAC conference in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2013. This year BAAC is again meeting and holding its conference in Vilnius from November 2-3, and you are very welcome to register at and join us. Please note that “early bird” registration rate ends on October 17.

IASA 2017 conference will be in Berlin

The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) 48th Annual Conference will be hosted by the Ethnological Museum, Berlin, Germany, from 17-22 September 2017.

Hashtag #iasa_web

More information will be posted on the conference website in the near future:

UNESCO's "Memory of the World" review

Dear Colleagues,

I trust all is well with the IASA and that the plans for your annual meeting in Washington are proceeding smoothly.

As you know, UNESCO has launched a comprehensive consultation about the Memory of the World Programme. May I ask you to make this known to all IASA members and especially to the heads of the archives programmes, and invite all to participate either through formal submissions or through discussion online?

World Day of Audiovisual Heritage 2016

This year's theme for UNESCO's World Day of Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October 2016 is "It's your story - don't lose it".

The Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) encourages audiovisual archives around the globe to celebrate the day by organising events based on this theme.

Further details soon at:


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