6.I. More than one series statement
AACR2 1.6J
The information relating to one series , or series and subseries, constitutes one series statement . If an item simultaneously belongs to two or more series and/or two or more series and subseries , give separate series statements and enclose each statement in parentheses. Follow the instructions in 6.A-6.H in recording each series statement
Area 1: Interview med Klaus Lynggaard
(Forfatterportrætter - mennesket bag teksten ; 1) (AV-forfatterportrætter)
Area 1: Nordamerika
(I djurens vilda värld = Really wild animals) (National Geographic - children's video)
Extracted from FIAF 6.9
If parts of an item belong to different series and this relationship cannot be stated clearly in this area, give details of the series in a note (see 7.B.19).
Where a broadcast programme has been transmitted as part of a different series at different times, create a separate catalogue record for each transmission, record the series statement for that transmission, and include a note about the other known transmission(s) (see 7.B.9).