IASA Journal - An Update

Dear IASA friends and colleagues —

This is a quick note to let you know to expect IASA Journal Issue no. 41 to be released in the next few weeks. We have been working diligently to put together a timely and exciting issue in preparation for the upcoming conference in Lithuania.

Please consider submitting your work for the following issue, and think about content you may like to share for the annual newsletter in January.

I look forward to hearing from you.

All the very best —

X Encuentro Nacional de Archivos Audiovisuales de Colombia

26 Aug 2013 to 31 Aug 2013
Bogota, Colombia

Registration for the 10th National Meeting of Colombia Audiovisual Archives still open!

Las inscripciones al X Encuentro Nacional de Archivos Audiovisuales de Colombia aún siguen abiertas!

Early Bird Reminder - Joint IASA-BAAC Conference

Greetings all,

This is your friendly reminder that:

Early Bird Registration is ending 16 August for the Joint IASA-BAAC Conference, "Open Doors: New Ideas, New Technologies" held 5-11 October 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

New online Archive of Indian Music

The Archive of Indian Music (AIM) formally launches today.

New sound archive collates 100-year-old voices from India

"New Delhi: Mahatma Gandhi's speech caught on gramophone during his 1931 visit to England now shares space with classical music legend M S Subhalakshmi's song, recorded when she was just nine, in a new virtual archive."


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