IASA Preservation Training Programme Application Guidelines

IASA encourages and supports training within the field of audiovisual archiving and preservation. We aim to offer local training where it will have the greatest positive impact, and invite applications from institutional members to host a funded five day basic and introductory audiovisual archival and preservation skills course. The course will be tailored to its audience and delivered at or close to the successful applicant’s institution, to allow staff from other institutions in the region to attend as well. Depending on the location, a maximum number of 15-20 trainees is envisaged.

Subject to further funding, it is hoped that one or two local archivists participating in the course may then be selected to participate in a mentorship scheme. This would consist of further training and reciprocal visits to other archives, with a view to becoming trainers themselves, and actively developing an enhanced network of archival expertise in their local region.

Applicants should bear the following guidelines in mind:

  1. Ordinarily, IASA will only consider applications from IASA institutional members whose membership is in good standing at the time of the request. However, in exceptional circumstances, IASA will consider applications from individual members applying on behalf of an institution, provided that:
    • a written explanation/justification describing the exceptional circumstances is provided with the application form;
    • the individual member provides written evidence of institutional support for the application.
  2. IASA promotes diversity in the audiovisual archiving field and encourages applications from institutions in developing countries.1
  3. IASA will support training requests from public or private archives, libraries, institutions, businesses, organisations, or associations which share IASA’s purposes to promote, encourage and support the development of best professional standards and practice. 2
  4. The applicant must complete the Training Programme Application Form, and return it to the IASA Training & Education Committee, on or before the deadline of 25 March 2024.
  5. IASA cannot consider an application unless the Training Programme Application Form is fully completed and received by the deadline. The IASA Training & Education Committee aim to inform applicants of the outcome within two months of the submission deadline.
  6. If successful, a written agreement between the applicant and the IASA Executive Board will be completed. In partnership with the Training & Education Committee, the applicant must prepare and structure the necessary training within the time frame given in the written agreement.
  7. Applications by representatives of Institutional Members must be countersigned by the director or a senior officer of their organisation, as evidence that their request for training has been authorised.
  8. IASA will require the successful applicant to provide training facilities, as well as assistance with organizing the training and local logistics.
  9. Once the training has been completed, an evaluation report must be submitted to the IASA Training & Education Committee, giving feedback on the training received, and stating agreed follow-up actions. The report must be submitted within one month of the training.
  10. The recipients will acknowledge IASA in all papers, presentations, and other publications that reference the Training Programme.
  11. IASA cannot routinely assist members with travel or accommodation costs to attend the training. Members may however be eligible to apply for the Dietrich Schueller Award to offset costs.
  12. Training is usually provided in English, French, Spanish or German. However, training in other languages may be possible. Please enquire prior to submitting the application form.
  13. Selection criteria: Considerations during selection will include:
  • Assessment of the likely impact of a successfully delivered training course: how might the local region be transformed by the training delivered?
    • How many individuals and/or collecting institutions will be trained directly?
    • How will the knowledge gained be used?
    • How many others stand to gain indirectly?
    • What is the size of the collection, types of formats and condition of the collections in the institutions that would benefit?
  • Assessment of the likelihood of successful delivery: how likely is it that the trainees will go on to make use of the training they receive?
    • What institutional (senior management) support is there for AV preservation activity?
    • What accessible facilities exist for preservation activity in the institution?
    • Does the institution have a track record of proactivity in solving problems?
    • What co-operation exists between institutions in the locality?

To download the Training Programme Application Form, click here (IASA members only)

1. Least developed countries are defined using the World Bank’s Gross Domestic Product (at purchasing power parity) per Capita, which is politically neutral and is updated every year. The value for the World is used as the break point. The list can be downloaded from this page: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD

Consideration will also be given to UNESCO’s Universal Declaration of Cultural Diversity, Article 10, which states “In the face of current imbalances in flows and exchanges of cultural goods at the global level, it is necessary to reinforce international cooperation and solidarity aimed at enabling all countries, especially developing countries and countries in transition, to establish cultural industries that are viable and competitive at national and international level.” http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13179&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

2. See paragraph 2 of the IASA constitution (www.iasa-web.org/iasa-constitution#intro) for an articulation of IASA’s purposes.