8. Ethnomusicology
(a) General
Brâiloiu, C. 'Equisse d'une methode de folklore musical (organisation d'archives), in Revue de musicologie; 1931. English translation 'Outline of a method of musical folklore' in Ethnomusicology, (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol.14; 1970
Brednich, R.W., Rohrich, L. und Suppan, W. (Hsg.) Handbuch des Volksliedes; Munchen: Fink; 1975
Broere, B.J. 'The politics of fieldwork. The extent to which politics plays a role in the organization of fieldwork and research' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.2l; 1978
Ellis, J.A. 'On the musical scales of various nations' in Journal of the Society of Arts; 1885
Graf, W. Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft. Ausgewählte Aufsätze, herausgegeben van Franz Fodermayr; Wien -Fohrenau; Elisabeth Stiglmayr; 1980
Kolinski, M. 'Ethnomusicology, its problems and methods' in Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol. l (newsletter No.IO); 1957
Kolinski, M. 'Recent trends in ethnomusicology' in Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol. 11; 1967
Kunst, J. Ethnomusicology; Den Haag: Nijhoff; 1955
Merriam, A.P. The Anthropology of Music; Evanston: Northwestern University Press; 1964.
Nettl, B. Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology; London: The Free Press of Glencoe, Collier -Macmillan Ltd.,; 1964
(b) Fieldwork
Blacking, J. 'Fieldwork in African music' in Review of Ethnology, Vol.3, No.23; 1973
Brandl, R.M. 'Der Einfluss der Feldforschungstechniken auf die Auswertbarkeit musikethnologischer Quellen' in Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, Vol.13; 1971
Deutsche Gesselschaft fur Musik des Orients (Hsg.) 'Musikologische Feldforschung. Aufgaben, Erfahrungen, Techniken' in Beitrage zur Ethnomusikologie, Vol.9; Hamburg; 1981
(c) Transcription
Abraharn, O. und von Hornbostel, E.M. 'Vorschläge für die Transkription exotischer Melodien' in Sammelbände der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft; 1910
(d) Copyright
Marcel-Dubois, C. 'Un essai de valorisation d'archives sonores' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977 (with German translation)
Ternisien, R. 'History of copyright' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977 (with French translation)
(e) Cataloguing
Kaufman, J. 'Subject and name access to musics other than Western Art' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.2l; 1978