
IASA Travel Awards 2022 Applications - NOW OPEN

IASA Travel Awards 2022 Applications  

Deadline 13th May

Applications for Travel Awards are now open and all IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives) members in good standing are welcome to apply for funding to attend the 53rd Annual Conference which will be held from Monday 26th September - Thursday 29th September at the Fonoteca Nacional of México.

Reminder: Call for presentations for IASA Conference 2022

Archives of the Future: Open, Sustainable and Equitable
Call for Presentations - Deadline: 31 March 2022

IASA Executive Board Statement on Ukraine

The Executive Board of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) is deeply concerned with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which is resulting in the destruction of Ukrainian public record and cultural memory. Therefore we support UNESCO’s Director-General Audrey Azoulay’s call for protection of Ukrainian cultural heritage, which includes seven world heritage sites.


IASA Technical Committee Open Meeting: Presenters' slides

Presenters' slides from the recent IASA Technical Committee meeting to discuss current and planned work on the proposed TC 07 publication Guidelines for the Preservation of Born Digital Video are now available:


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