
The IASA 2021 online conference registration is open!

The IASA 2021 online conference registration is open!

“Closing the gap for a new generation of sound and audiovisual archives”

New ICDH video: Audiovisual Records - Preservation principles and standards

The International Centre for Documentary Heritage (ICDH), under the auspices of UNESCO, supports and promotes preservation and conservation of documentary heritage around the world.

ICDH has recognized IASA’s role as a very active and influential organization for the work of sound and audiovisual archives. It acknowledges IASA’s continued efforts for global cooperation and remarkable contributions to strengthening co-operation between archives and other institutions that preserve sound and audiovisual documents.

Preservation Training Programme 2021 in Barcelona

The first edition of the Preservation Training Programme of the Training and Education Committee (T&E) of IASA has been awarded to the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.

New, free online resources and training on caring for audio materials

New, free online resources and training on caring for audio materials, aimed at non-specialist collection holders.

Sound recording technology has been with us for well over a century, and it’s extremely common to find small quantities of tapes, discs and other formats in gallery, library, archive and museum collections around the UK and beyond, often held as part of larger, more traditional collections.


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