
Past IASA President Ulf Scharlau (1943 - 2021)

Ulf Scharlau, a former President of IASA, has died. We send our condolences to his family and loved ones. And it is with sincere gratitude that, as we share the sad news of his passing, we also acknowledge his service to IASA. Ulf served on its Executive Board as Treasurer from 1978-1984, as President from 1984-1987 and as Past President from 1987-1990.

Presentación del libro El archivo ágil

La Red Iberoamericana de Preservación Digital de Archivos Sonoros y Audiovisuales (RIPDASA) inicia sus activiades en 2021, con la presentación de la versión en español del libro El archivo ágil de Annemieke de Jong.
Los invitamos para que nos acompañen  el próximo 23 de marzo a las 12:00 h CDMX y 18:00 h GMT.

Preserving Africa's Audio-Visual Media Assets

Broadcast media organisations are custodians of social-cultural experiences captured in audio-visual content. And as broadcasting platforms turns digital, there is the urgent need for legacy audio-visual content to be appropriately preserved for the benefit of society both presently and in the future.

Announcing the IASA Conference 2021

Announcing the IASA Conference 2021

Last year, IASA’s 2020 virtual conference successfully provided us with a wide range of experiences and new ways of interacting as a professional community. Although we all missed having a face-to-face meeting, we realised that to a great extent we can continue online to exchange ideas, projects and create new expectations for sound and audiovisual archives.

Given the ongoing uncertainties over international  travel, this year IASA’s conference will again be held online, from 27th to 30th September 2021.


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