
Shaping the future of audiovisual archiving: new international think tank identifies strategic priorities for the field

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision today is releasing its new White Paper, Towards a New Audiovisual Think Tank for Audiovisual Archivists and Cultural Heritage Professionals. The White Paper, the first effort from a new ‘AV Think Tank’ on audiovisual archiving initiated by Sound and Vision, aims to facilitate stakeholders active in the preservation of audiovisual heritage to identify their strategic priorities over the coming decade.


IASA Conference 2018 - Call for presentations

Dear all,

please see below the Call for presentations for the 49th Annual Conference of IASA, from 1-4 October 2018, at the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

Conference theme:

Access and Accessibility - Archival Policies and Barriers in the Age of Global Information Exchange

Get to know IASA's President - Toby Seay

If you have not had the opportunity to get acquainted with IASA's newest President, Toby Seay, here's your chance!


IASA Journal, Issue 48 delayed

Dear colleagues --

I write to apologize for the delay in publishing IASA Journal Issue 48. My work to implement an online peer-review platform for the journal has taken a little longer than expected. Additionally, my wife and I welcomed a new member to our family in November (Delia Josephine Lyons). The articles are in for Issue 48 and they have been reviewed. I am copy editing them now and will have them ready for print and publication by the end of the month. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns with this delay.

Thanks, and happy new year!



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