Richard Ranft's blog

The Audiovisual Artifact Atlas

The Audiovisual Artifact Atlas (AVAA) is a wiki explaining with examples the various kinds of artifacts that can occur in sound and moving image recordings

Early Bird Reminder - Joint IASA-BAAC Conference

Greetings all,

This is your friendly reminder that:

Early Bird Registration is ending 16 August for the Joint IASA-BAAC Conference, "Open Doors: New Ideas, New Technologies" held 5-11 October 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

New online Archive of Indian Music

The Archive of Indian Music (AIM) formally launches today.

New sound archive collates 100-year-old voices from India

"New Delhi: Mahatma Gandhi's speech caught on gramophone during his 1931 visit to England now shares space with classical music legend M S Subhalakshmi's song, recorded when she was just nine, in a new virtual archive."

#Allez Culture - Join our Fight for Europeana's CEF Funding

Dear Friend of Europeana

You’ve probably heard that a drastic cut was made in the budget for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) from 9 billion to 1 billion euros.

Many of you responded to our recent request to send letters to your MEPs, to national contacts in Brussels and to your own government ministers and we thank you hugely for that.


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