0.B. Elements of description

0.B.1. Order of the elements of description

Developed from ISBD (NBM) 0.3.2
Developed from FIAF 0.2

The order of the elements of description is based as closely as possible upon the order prescribed in the ISBD (NBM). Elements are grouped into the following:

1. Title and statement of responsibility
2. Edition, issue, etc.
3. Publication, production , distribution, broadcast, etc., and date(s) of creation
4. Copyright
5. Physical description
6. Series
7. Notes
8. Numbers and terms of availability

The elements which appear in each area are set out in the following Outline. Not all areas will apply when describing individual items. For instance, Area 2 (edition) will not apply to unpublished items, while different parts of Area 3 (Publication, production , distribution, broadcast, etc., and DATe(s) of creation) will apply depending on whether the item is published, broadcast or unpublished, and Area 6 (Series) will only apply where the material described relates to a series.

Where analytic or multilevel description is employed, Chapter 9 (Analytic and multilevel description ) will apply. Where description of individual items/copies of the same physical item is employed, Chapter 10 (Item/copy information) will apply. For definitions of the terms, see the rules for each chapter and the Glossary.

0.B.2. Outline of the elements of description
Developed from ISBD (NBM) 0.3.2
Extracted from FIAF 0.2 (Area 4 element)

Precede each area, other than the first, with a period, space, dash, space (. - ) unless the area begins with a new paragraph. ISBD elements are underscored in the following list.

Area Prescribed punctuation for preceding or enclosing the element


1. Title and statement of responsibility area   1.1 Title proper
  . 1.2 Part, number, supplement or section of title proper
  [ ] 1.3 General material designation
  = * 1.4 Parallel title
  : * 1.5 Other title information
    1.6 Statements of responsibility
  /   First statement
  ;   * Subsequent statement(s)
2. Edition, issue, etc. area   2.1 Edition, issue, etc. statement
  = *2.2 Parallel edition, issue, etc. statement
    2.3 Statements of responsibility relating to the edition, issue, etc.
  /   First statement
  ;   Subsequent statement(s)
  , *2.4 Additional edition, issue, etc. statement
    2.5 Statements of responsibility following an additional edition, issue, etc. statement
  /   First statement
  ;   * Subsequent statement(s)
3. Publication, production , distribution, broadcast, etc. and Date(s) of creation area   3.1 Place of publication... distribution, etc.
  ;   First place
* Subsequent place(s)
  : *3.2 Name of publisher... distributor, etc.
  [ ] *3.3 Statement of function of publisher... distributor, etc.
  , *3.4 Date of publication... distribution, etc.
  ( *3.5 Place of manufacture
  : *3.6 Name of manufacturer
  ,) 3.7 Date of manufacture
    3.8 Date(s) of creation (unpublished/unbroadcast materials only)
4. copyright area ; *4.1 Date of copyright or p notice
5. Physical description area and extent of item   5.1 Specific material designation
  : 5.2 Other physical details
  ; 5.3 Dimensions of item
  + *5.4 Accompanying materialstatement
  ( ) *5.5 Detailed qualifying information for each element
6. Series area (Note: A Series statement is enclosed by parentheses. When there are two or more series statement s, each is enclosed by parentheses.)   6.1 Title proper of series or sub series
  = *6.2 Parallel title of series or subseries
  : *6.3 Other title information of series or subseries
    6.4 Statements of responsibility relating to the series or subseries
  /   First statement
  ;   *Subsequent statement(s)
  , 6.5 International Standard Serial Number of series or subseries
  ; 6.6 Numbering within series or subseries
  . *6.7 Enumeration and/or title of subseries
  , 6.8 Dependent title following a section or subseries designation
7. Note area      
8. Numbers and terms of availability area   *8. I Numbers
  : *8.2 Terms of availability and/or price

General notes on the framework:

i) Elements in italics are optional.
ii) Elements preceded by an asterisk (*) can be repeated when necessary.
iii) Areas 7 and 8 can be repeated when necessary.
iv) In the above outline, the terms "first statement....", "subsequent statements(s)...", and the like, denote the order in which these statements are to be given in the description and have no other connotation.
v) No provisions are included in The IASA Cataloguing Rules for the ISBD (G) Area 3 (Material (or type of publication) specific area), or the ISBD (ER) Area 3 (Type and extent of resource area).
vi) Whenever information normally associated with one area or element appears in the item is linked linguistically as an integral part of another area or element, it is transcribed as such.

Organisation of the description of a catalogue entry


catalogue entry