Launch of the IASA Preservation Training Programme

 The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) is delighted to announce the launch of the IASA Preservation Training Programme. Developed by IASA’s Training and Education Committee, it is intended to share and develop audiovisual archival skills wherever in the world they are most needed. More information.

IASA Institutional Members are invited to apply to host a five-day training course, delivered by expert trainers provided by the Training and Education Committee. The course will be aimed at local attendees, tailored to local needs, with costs covered by the programme. Subject to funding, IASA will then seek to further train and develop one or two local archivists as expert trainers from within the host region, through mentorship and reciprocal visits to other archives.

Further information on the programme and how to apply is available in the following languages (a IASA members' website log-in required to download the application form. If you have forgotten how to log in, see


The deadline for receipt of applications is 20 September 2020.