Submitted by Richard Ranft on Thu, 05/08/2010 - 18:41
The UNESCO World Day for AV Heritage is approaching. The following information comes from the CCAAA, and May Yu, the IFLA Representative for the UNESCO World Day. Could you please inform your members accordingly and encourage them to let us know of their activities?
The official theme for 2010 World Day is "Save and Savour Your Audiovisual Heritage - Now!"
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Tue, 03/08/2010 - 19:04
We're all producing audiovisual files, but has anyone ever seen one? Where do they live? Can you point to one? Will you flip a switch or click on an icon and find nothing but a puff of smoke, or an error message? Do you know about the encoding and metadata inside the file, and the wrapper around it all? Do you know how to deal with 'compression' (data reduction) - when to avoid it, how to live with it, how to escape it, and what the roadmap is for your own audiovisual files?
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Sun, 18/07/2010 - 01:47
I would like to announce some changes to the publication of Bulletins. Members will have noticed there has not been a printed Bulletin for some time nor have there been any eBulletins. For this I apologise but I trust you've been able to keep up with relevant news and information via the website notice board and the IASALIST. The gap has come about while we consulted the IASA membership on the need for Bulletins and while we developed the new website to accommodate easier production.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Fri, 16/07/2010 - 15:31
This year the Österreichische Mediathek celebrates its 50th birthday. A lot of action is planned which will culminate in a symposium held on 27th of October, UNESCO's World Day of Audiovisual Heritage.